Be still my beating heart

By Dorothy Rosby

Merry Christmas Friends! I just love leap years, though the fact that they fall during election years takes some of the fun out of having that extra day. I needed it though. It was a busy year. For starters, I spent a lot of time at medical appointments. I hope you like hearing about health problems because they took up so much of my year that I don’t have much else to report in this holiday letter.

My first health crisis started when the president of a club I belong to told me he was resigning and he wanted me to take over. Mind you, this is one of those clubs where people don’t run for office. They run from office. Electing officers in our club involves begging, arm-twisting and occasionally signing up someone who’s not there to defend themselves. I blame the now former club president for what happened next. I felt faint and my heart started pounding. To be fair, this isn’t the first time that’s happened so it’s not his fault, but I still blame him.

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