Contributed report
Voting is now open on the list of finalists for the 2024-25 Name a Snowplow contest, the Minnesota Department of Transportation announced recently. The top eight vote-getters will become new MnDOT snowplow names, one new name for each MnDOT district.
See the list of finalists and vote now at mndot.gov/nameasnowplow.
Voting will remain open through noon on Friday, Feb. 7. Individuals will be able to vote once and select up to eight of their favorite names.
MnDOT received more than 7,300 snowplow name submissions in December and staff reviewed the suggestions to help select 50 finalists for public voting. The agency considered a variety of factors, including uniqueness, frequency of submissions, Minnesota-specific ideas, and names that would be easily identifiable and understandable to most audiences.
To find out more about where to submit submissions, pick up a Messenger!