Public Notices – Sept. 13, 2023

Regular School Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, June 12, 2023 BOARDROOM

200 Highway 55 E

Maple Lake, Minnesota 55358    

Natalie Anderson:   


Colleen Carlson:   


Kaitlyn Helmbrecht:   


Liz Lind:   


Chris Paumen:   


Joe Paumen:   


Branson Thomas:   


Present: 5, Absent: 2.

1. Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. “District #881 is Proud of”   Congratulations to Kingsley Okoro for qualifying for the state 100m race.  Maple Lake Trap Team on winning the Conference title Sarah and Joe Neutz for finishing in the top 3 for individuals, all of our students that made the Trifecta Club and the Maple Lake Class of 2023!!

4. Recognition of visitors Mike Rowe, Dave Hansen, Andy Sawatzke, Jeff Kubian, Tanya Malwitz, Eric Meyer, Kristi Anderson, Amy Voigt and Brenda Erdahl.

5. Motion to approve the agenda for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, June 12, 2023. This motion, made by Natalie Anderson and seconded by Joe Paumen, Passed.

Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

6. Motion to approve the consent agenda as presented for the regular school board meeting held on Monday, June 12, 2023 (See Exhibit 1 – Consent Agenda; May 8, 2023  Minutes; Board Checks; Manual Checks; Operating Investments; OPEB Investments, Technology Bond Investments, Monthly Donations, Payroll Contribution Checks). This motion, made by Branson Thomas and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed. Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

7.  Open Forum None.

8. Unfinished Business

8.A.  Motion to approve the Annual Q-COMP Plan for the 2022-23 school year. This motion, made by Joe Paumen and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed. Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2 Jeff Kubian reviewed the Qcomp annual report for the 22-23 school year, including the survey results.  The peer coach structure will be changing during the following year. DLT plans are underway

8.B. Motion to approve the ADSIS 2023-24 plan. This motion, made by Branson Thomas and seconded by Natalie Anderson, Passed. Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

Amy Voigt reviewed the ADSIS program from the current year and presented the plan for the 23-24 school year. The ADSIS application for the next two years has been approved.

8.C. Enrollment Update Rowe reviewed the enrollment for the end of the school year.  It looks like we will end the year slightly higher than budgeted.

8.D. Motion to approve MASA membership for a total of $860.00 for the 2023-2024 school year. This motion, made by Liz Lind and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed. Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

8.E. Motion to approve MSBA membership for the 2023-2024 school year for a total of $7,055.00. This motion, made by Joe Paumen and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed.

Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

8.F. Motion to approve the 2023-2024 MREA Membership fee for $1940.00. This motion, made by Liz Lind and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed. Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

8.G. Motion to approve the 2023-2024 Resource Training and Solutions Membership fee for $1,634.90. This motion, made by Natalie Anderson and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed.

Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

8.H.  Motion to approve the Maple Lake Community Guide ad for the 23-24 year. This motion, made by Branson Thomas and seconded by Kaitlyn Helmbrecht, Passed.

Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

8.I.  Motion to approve the annual board review of Student Fundraising Accounts Fund 11 and 12. This motion, made by Joe Paumen and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed. Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

8.J. Motion to approve a resolution for membership in the Minnesota State High School League for the 2023-2024 school year. This motion, made by Natalie Anderson and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed. Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

8.K. Motion to approve K12 by Elior school meal CPI price contract for the 2023-24 school year. This motion, made by Liz Lind and seconded by Joe Paumen, Passed. Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

9. New Business

9.A. Motion to approve the Wolf Ridge Field Trip for the 2024 school year. The 6th-grade classes will be gone May 8 – 10 2024. This motion, made by Natalie Anderson and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed. Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

9.B. Motion to approve renewing the district’s workers’ comp insurance through Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. for the 2023-24 school year at $51,042.00. This motion, made by Kaitlyn Helmbrecht and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed. Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

9.C. Motion to approve the district’s property/casualty insurance through the Minnesota Insurance Scholastic Trust (MIST) for the 2023-2024 school year. This motion, made by Branson Thomas and seconded by Liz Lind, Passed. Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

9.D. Motion to direct the district office to pay all bills through the end of the fiscal year 2023 to be formally approved by the Maple Lake School Board at its July meeting. This motion, made by Liz Lind and seconded by Joe Paumen, Passed. Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

9.E. Motion to approve the preliminary 2023-2024 budget. This motion, made by Joe Paumen and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed. Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

Rowe reviewed the 23-24 budget, enrollment is set based on grade progression and new kindergarten students enrollments. Expenditures and revenues were projected using information available at the end of May.  The unassigned fund balance is projected to decline $100,359 during the 23-24 school year and this is before any contract settlements.

9.F. Motion to approve the Resolution regarding the necessity to conduct certain school business on June 19, 2023. This motion, made by Joe Paumen and seconded by Branson Thomas, Passed. Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

9.G. State of the School- Rowe updated the board on the hiring updates, 200 kids enrolled in summer programs, interviewing for the Superintendent administrative assistant position tomorrow and Wednesday and  IAQ updates were reviewed.

10. Representative Reports

10.A. District Leadership Team –  Rowe reported for Carlson- DLT reviewed staff survey for late starts and staff development.  One applicant has applied for the lead peer coach position in the High School.  Relicensure is going to focus on the meant health suicide awareness requirement and elementary staff are finishing up their LETS training.

10.B. ECFE/Community Education – Lind reported, the online catalog went live on May 19, 2023. Planning for next year will have the catalog available by May 1 and more adult CE class offerings.  Board position recommendations were made.  Tom Paumen Chair, Renaee Eckerly Vice-Chair, Katie Krauze Recording Secretary, Alicia Christenson Member at large, Tana Fobbe Director, Liz Lind School Board Member and Mike Rowe Superintendent.

10.C. Food Service Committee- no report

10.D. Meeker and Wright Special Ed Co-Op – Rowe reported for Carlson, Melissa Hansen will be attending meetings in Washington DC as the MASE president. She will be meeting with federal level decision makers regarding special education in Minnesota Schools.  The preliminary budget was presented and a special education complaint was filed.

10.E. Minnesota State High School League – Helmbrecht reported The Board of Directors approved a chart/guideline for the awarding of medals and trophies at the section and state tournament levels. This practice will create consistency in the recognition of member schools and participants.  The Board of Directors voted to table an Activity Advisory Proposal to seed the Boys and Girls Basketball State Tournaments Nos. 1-8 for all classes.  The Board of Directors did not approve an Activity Advisory Proposal to add a half-day of competition to the current three-day format for the Wrestling State Tournament.  The Board of Directors approved policy language for the implementation of the Basketball Shot Clock for the 2023-2024 season. The policy language addresses reset adjustments to the Shot Clock rule.  Approval of policy language that removes the closely-guarded counts while a player is dribbling in the front court.  Policy language was also approved for Shot Clock violations as a reviewable situation via replay in limited circumstances during State Tournament play in televised games.

10.F. Safe Schools Committee – no report

10.G. Technology Committee – no report.

10.H. Wright Technical Center – Rowe reported for Carlson- WTC has hired a Special Ed Director to support special education needs.  Enrollment trends for next year are stable.  A goal was added for the director to lead the superintends in reimagining WTC.

10.I. Elementary School – Sawatzke reported Track and Field Day was a tremendous success, thanks goes out to the staff for planning the event and to the high school students who volunteered to help for the day.  Lots of events were held during the last week of school. The staff and 6th graders competed in a game of kickball. The staff won and Kindergarten and 6th grade graduation ceremonies were held.  Summer Academy will start on June 20, with approximately 100 students enrolled.  Licensed positions have been filled but several Para positions are available.  LEEA winners are Mary Kiebel, Samantha Nissen and Sara Thomas.  Staff of the Yar Adam Ronnenberg.

10.J. High School – Hansen reported, Senior Awards Night gave out over $40,000 in local scholarships,  63 students walked at commencement and report cards will be ready for pick up next week.  LEEA winners Melissa Pearson, Chad Elston, Bekka Nelson and Joe Brown.  Staff of the year Mary Beth Barder.

11. Committee Reports- no reports

12. Set Meeting Dates

Buildings & Grounds July 13, 2023 1:00 p.m.

Licensed Staff Committee July 20, 2023 4:00 p.m.

13.  Other Business

13.A. Mail

13.B. Upcoming Meetings

13.B.1. **Regular School Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, July 17, 2023, in the Board Room

13.B.2. District Leadership Team Meeting on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, in the Board Room

13.C. Miscellaneous Information

13.C.1. MAWSECO Principal Training at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 21, 2023

14.  Motion to adjourn at 7:56 p.m. This motion, made by Branson Thomas and seconded by Natalie Anderson, Passed. Colleen Carlson: Absent, Chris Paumen: Absent, Natalie Anderson: Yea, Kaitlyn Helmbrecht: Yea, Liz Lind: Yea, Joe Paumen: Yea, Branson Thomas: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

Respectfully submitted,

Chris Paumen

Kristi Anderson